I took off work Thursday to go down to Oregon State for their START program, which is basically orientation.
Kenny drove us, and parents were encouraged to come so my mom and his mom came along too. We got there, checked in, and then went up to our dorm for the night (it's an overnight thing). It was really small... and looked like it was ported out of the 70s or something. Kinda scared both of us a little, thinking of staying in such a small space.
After that we all went to an opening session. We sung the fight song, listened to speakers, the usual crap. We then broke into individual groups and played little team building games. Woooooo fun. I should mention that it was about 95 degrees out and high humidity. Almost reminded me of Florida, but not quite as bad. Still, it was pretty hot and none of the buildings had or turned on A/C.
We then all gathered for dinner, which was chicken, pasta salad, normal salad, bread, and brownies. It was pretty good, so after filling our bellies up on that we went to a building to take the math placement test. Everyone was packed into this little auditorium, it was about 80 in there, people were sweating, BO smell was in the air... and we had to take a math test. I thought I bombed it but ended up doing pretty good, good enough to skip the first level of math required for my business degree.
After that we looked for this other guy's apartment off campus. We couldn't find it and ended up walking a really long ways and almost being late for dorm tours. This is where we actually got to tour the dorm we'd be staying in. And that intial fear after seeing Callahan faded because Bloss is much nicer. It's newer (so new Virtual Earth doesn't even have it) and three feet longer that your standard dorm room! Yay! We also share a bath with the adjacent room, so its not a bathroom at the end of the hall thing. We plan to loft both our beds, put a couch under one, put computers and the TV under the other.
After that we headed back to our crappier dorm and slept for the night. We actually had three people in there, we let another person we know stay there so he didn't have to sleep with a stanger. So yeah, it was hot and I didn't get very good sleep. But that's allright.
We had appointments that afternoon to see advisors and set our schedule, but they weren't until about 1:00. So we went over and hung out at the parent's hotel room, watching TV and taking a little nap. Pretty soon we headed back to campus and met our advisors. I was surprised that I placed into MTH241, which is Calculus. Wohoo, that should be fun. I'm also taking: Astronomy, Writing in Business, Families in Modern America, and a "transition class." All in all 15 credits, so it should be interesting.
We then rode home and that was all. Should be fun this fall.
I'll write about last night tomorrow for the sake of spreading things out and making it look like I'm updating more than I am.
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