Monday, January 21, 2013


Recently I have started back up the weekend tradition of a long run. When I start marathon training I'll be doing these every weekend, so I thought I would get in the swing of things a little bit early. Plus, I have a half marathon in Corvallis during April, so if 13 miles can be routine by then, that would be great.

I have to admit, the long runs aren't that bad. I'm almost, wait for it.... looking forward to them. Maybe I shouldn't go that far, but the long runs are fun because 1) I get to run routes I don't normally run, 2) I get to run during the daylight and can actually see things, 3) the sense of accomplishment afterward is very nice.

Below you will see the route I ran this last Saturday. It was only ten miles as I had done twelve the week before and needed to tone things down about after the 32 mile week (I did 22.5). I was a little worn all week from the week before, but I think taking it a little easy was a good call because I felt pretty dang rested for my run on Saturday morning. It was beautiful outside, it had frosted over the night before and it was sunny as all get out.

One factor helping me get back into the swing of things recently is the nice weather. It's been very cold (below freezing at nights and barely above during the day) but it has been sunny and clear. A lot easier to get out there when you are not going to get soaked. Anyways, the sun was brilliant last Saturday and I even woke up early to get it going. I've discovered that "Car Talk" and "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" are back to back starting at 10am on NPR Saturday mornings. I love both those shows and they provide entertainment during the run and help things along.

Long runs also provide you with a different mindset. You know you are going to be out there for a while, so you kind of just zone out and take it somewhat easy. I still made great time (8:54/mi after 9:57/mi during last week's 12 miler!) but really didn't feel tired until the 7.5 mile mark or so. All in all it was a great run and helped launch me into a very productive Saturday!

Anyways, I know once these runs start hitting 15 miles or so they won't be quite as liberating. Eventually they are going to drone on and I'll get bored, but I'll just need to power through. I need to upload some interesting podcats to my phone or something to help pass the time. Overall I just need to keep putting miles into my legs to build that base for the marathon.

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