Prediction for temperature at the start of the race right now? 34 fucking degrees. That better change! |
Can't believe I'm running another marathon in five days. I'm certainly not as nervous for this one as I was for Portland. I already got my "A" goal, I don't have any unfinished business I feel the need to accomplish, and I know I'm in good enough marathon shape to finish it without it being too terrible. I'd say my biggest worries at the moment are going to be the weather on race day and the lack of sleep I'll have to due to the time change and being a night owl.
They finally got the finish line photos up. |
Let's back up real quick to my post-Portland Marathon recovery though. I was sore through about Thursday but by Friday I was feeling pretty good and back to normal. I decided to go on a bike ride after work and ended up doing an absolutely hilly, killer route. I would have much rather ran up many of those hills. Anyways, that bike ride was a great workout but probably a little too tough when I was still trying to take it easy. Saturday I felt good though and ended up playing indoor soccer for a good hour and a half. Lots of running, another great workout.
Sunday morning I woke up early and ran "six" miles with Matt and Katie. I put that in quotations because it included some trail running and we got shorted by our GPS watches. It was probably more like 6.5 or 7 miles. I felt pretty good during the run. Legs didn't seem to have any lingering effects from the marathon. Last night I ran with PRC and we did the winter route for the first time. Five hilly miles there and the fourth day in a row of decent activity. Today, I'm a little sore. Not too bad, but more sore than I'd like to be five days before a marathon. So I'm going to have to take it
very easy the rest of the week.
Anyways, I'll try to get a Detroit Marathon preview up before I leave for the trip on Thursday. I'm pretty much still in denial that in less than 48 hours I'll be on a plane to run another marathon. Ignorance is bliss.
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