On Friday night we went to the Olive Garden in Eugene for dinner. There was a wait (as per usual), so we decided to go to the local pet store. Well we got into the pet store but then our table pager thing starts belting out this crappy sounding Italian music of some sort. So we rush back thinking we had a table (so quick!). Turns out we went out of the beepers range, so it plays that wonderful music to let you know when you venture too far. After that we stuck around the building and finally got called.
For dinner I had a Caesar salad and it was good. Nothing like Pizzacato or Sal's though. The breadsticks were good however... the only reason most people go to Olive Garden in the first place. Oh well.
After that we drove around a little bit and she showed me Eugene (where she grew up). I even got to venture on to the U of O campus a little and watch her play DDR.
On Saturday night we were all out of ideas for something to do. So we settled on going exploring in the Lebanon Wal-Mart. Remember, I hate Wal-Mart with a passion because they are a really shitty company, but Laurel managed to drag me into two of them in two nights. All they do is shave like 15 cents off the price so its $19.84 instead of $19.99. Apparently it works though. I dunno... it's still basically selling your soul to the devil to shop there. Oops.
The SuperCenter was really massive and had just about everything you could imagine. Things I learned:
1) All "SuperCenters" have a McDonalds.
2) You can order from said McDonalads at the cash register and have your food ready when you arrive.
3) SuperCenters have groceries (scary...)
4) The people that work there look really depressed.
So anyways, that was my weekend. How was yours?
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