Sunday, April 30, 2006

Great rant on the OSU Beavers message board:

"If you can't separate political beliefs and anger from the sports board, then don't read further. I'm bound to piss off a few of my Beaver "friends" with what I'm about to say.

A&E just broadcast a docudrama about Flight 93, the United flight that crashed into the ground on 9/11 when the passengers tried to take the plane back from the hijackers. Needless to say, it was an emotional movie that brought back some of the feelings of that dreadful day.

The only good thing that could have come out of 9/11 was that a threat was recognized, a people were united, and the World could have rallied behind this horrible disaster to fight these murderous terrorist and terrorism effectively.

Instead, we had Dubya and his advisors screw up the "war on terrorism" more than it would have seemed possible. Either from stupidity, blind revenge, or a horribly misguided foreign policy, they took the war in the wrong direction, burned bridges, boosted terrorist support in the places where it most needed reducing, and used up decades of good will. Because of this group, nothing good has come from the thousands of innocent lives lost on 9/11. That makes me so angry that I can't even really express it. More innocents have died, soldiers have died, and a country is in turmoil. Anything good that has happened (like the removal of Saddam Hussein) could have been accomplished in other ways.

Please, George W. Bush, just go away and give my Country back. Give it back to those who are smart enough, honest enough, compassionate enough, and far-thinking enough to do things right. I don't particularly care if they're democrats or republicans. I just want them to be American -- in all the good senses of the word. I've had enough of your small-mindedness, false-patriotism, and jingoistic politics. You don't represent what America means to me. Until you, your advisors, and your dangerous foreign policy are purged from our system, the future is bleak. Quit screwing up our Country and the World. And, while you're at it, stop pretending to be doing God's will.

Mike '84

This was on "The Porch," which is off-topic stuff and normally politcal spatter back and forth. Nothing is ever accomplished. One side will post a topic, and then ALWAYS the other side will try and tear it down.

This post received 0 negative responses. The hard-core righties didn't even touch this thread. I know they read it, new nothing they could say would change the fact that this guy is dead on. Sure, they ripped into topics above and below this thread... amazing how that works.

I feel really, really bad for people who believe the current leadership of this country is moral and compassionate. Take for example the "We Love Bush" group on Facebook, whose description is:

"Dedicated to the 43rd President of the greatest country on Earth. Leader of the free world and most benevolent leader (I nearly crapped my pants laughing) of our time. Helping to spread freedom across the globe to create a better world for future generations. Though not faultless (wow PROPS guys!), a decisive leader (who just so happens to make really shitty and idiotic decesions) who has strived to protect our country's morality and preserve the foundations of our Union (They have been SO moral themselves. No scandals or anything. Oh yes, and the United States was infact founded on the priciples of "restricting freedoms" which is all that they have done).

While a great aspect of our country is the efforts to dissent and make improvements, the left-wing communists
(I'm a communist!!! Nothing like a little name calling to get that red American blood flowing!) in our country have taken it too far... Everyone is not guaranteed to be a millionare or to live a happy Life, but only in America can everyone enjoy the opportunities to be all that they want to be and know that only the sky is the limit...."

Wow. Anywho, that ends my Bush rant for now. Feels good every once in a while. Ahhhhhhh.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Wow, Thomas great stuff.
    Bush has united the country. Because he is so incompetent republicans have now joined the democrats in jumping this sinking ship. These current thugs that run our country are a global disaster and a national shame. Love you, Lena
