My goal was under twenty five minutes and I was just barely able to get that. I finished in 24:51, so just under the line. I am kind of disappointed with that time, considering it is 1 minute a mile over my record pace, but at the same time I have to take into account a few things:
- It was a virtual race, so while I knew I was in a race and that was motivating, I didn't have the competition around me that usually pushes me to run even a bit harder
- Very hilly route. Not a route to set a great time on. Don't really have a flat option without taking a car ride somewhere!
- After work on a Friday, so I was pretty worn out

Tomorrow I am going to do twelve miles. I might have to go into work so hopefully I can get it in before I get called in for that. I don't know what route I am going to run. Wish I could push it off until Sunday, but I have Brandon that day and there just won't be time. Oh, and hopefully it's sunny too! We had a warmup today that brought rain, so hopefully the warm stays and the rain goes away!
Total time: 24:51. Mile times were 7:43, 7:58, 8:05.
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