Friday, April 30, 2021


Well, the pattern seemed to continue this past month. The second Simponi shot had a bit more staying power than the first one, and I only really began to feel the need for the next shot about a week before I was able to take it. Down from two weeks the previous time. So maybe the "building efficacy" theory I proposed in my last post was on the right track!

I took my third shot on the 25th and again felt almost immediate relief. It takes about 24 hours or so to "kick" and then after a few days I feel like I have the full effect of the shot. I will say that it is similar to Humira in that I haven't felt "cured" at any point. So while I do feel much better and I'm able to do stuff, I do feel like a little creaky and old. I wouldn't expect full relief right away though, that is something that gradually built up through time with methotrexate/lefluonomide so if Simponi keeps working, maybe the back half of my first year on it I can get there.  It just needs to keep working and not faceplant like Humira.

As for running, I'm slowly getting back into shape. It is such a huge pain the ass to be back starting where I am again. It was kind of fun the first time around after getting treated to get back in shape ... now this is the third time I've had to crawl back from the clutches of "out of shape-ness" ... I'm over it. Running 11:00/mile is no longer cute. It is just annoying. Because I worked so hard to claw back to what I considered adequate... to have that taken away, AGAIN... ugh.

Anyways, I'm trying not to let that get me down. My mental game has to be on point! So I'm running by feel and just trying to ignore the numbers. My long runs should be at an easy pace, so if that means I'm running 11:30/mile, then that's the pace. If a 9:55 pace is tempo, then that's my tempo. If I am able to keep going then these numbers will come down. Patience is the key. As long as I ease back into it, listen to my body, and wait for the medication to kick in... hopefully by this summer I can be somewhat back to my normal self.

So yeah, that's about it. Nothing exciting to report other than Simponi continues to appear to be working, although I'll have to be patient and see if I can get the results I ultimately want. Oh, I did get both of my Pfizer COVID-19 shots this past month, so that was a very positive development!

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