Monday, January 31, 2022


Well my friends, 2022 isn't off to the greatest start. For the second straight winter, my body has seemed to decide an inflammation flare would be an awesome way to make me lose all faith in the upcoming year early on. Gets it out of the way early. Kinda nice really when you think about it.

It's a lot like last year, which I blamed solely on Humira. And yeah, that drug failed miserably. Here we are at year two though and this time Simponi is not up to the case. When leflunomide had my arthritis in retreat I never had any of this crap. As discussed on this blog, Simponi sorta works alright, so this year is maybe like half as bad. Last year got pretty desperate. I'm having to keep that in mind, because while I don't feel good, it could be a lot worse. So I'll just have to hope I'll come out of it again in the next few months.

I honestly think it is weather related... I can literally feel the weather in my bones when it gets cold. Old people just aren't making that up. I think it slowly builds over the months as the weather turns and then just kind of lets loose in January. I can't really think of anything else that changes this time of year. My sleep habits, work stress, diet... everything stays exactly the same. People that know me know I am pretty consistent. So to be the same exact person feeling pretty spunky in the summer to absolutely puny in January is quite the confusing thing.

So yeah. Just gotta hope it gets better as it gets warmer outside. I'm sure it will. Also, I just need to give in and take ibuprofen more often. I tend not to take it, I imagine it ripping up my liver for some reason... but that's stupid. Two of them every so often isn't going to make me a liver transplant patient. I don't know why I avoid it and then lay around in pain instead. So you know what, I'm going to go take some right now because I could certainly use it.

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