Thursday, November 16, 2006

So I drove home Sunday night in a pretty big wind storm. Turns out the winds got up to like 80mph in some places and I was feeling it. Freeway travelers were slowing down, I think I was doing 50mph the entire way (down from the usual 70). Some people were still going crazy, I had freaking semi's passing me, swinging from side to side. It was crazy. Turns out 3 people died on the road that night from wind related stuff.

My other option was to stay home but I'm glad I didn't. I had two midterms that next morning and they would have been brutal if I woke up early to drive home. Anyways, it was pretty intense, my hands glued to the wheel and being extra careful the entire way but me and the 'lil Protege made it home. So phew.

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