It's been very cold and wet recently. And really windy in the last week. Now, that should not come as a surprise to anyone living in Oregon from the months of October through April. However, it seems to have been extra bad these last couple of weeks.

When I first started running with Libbie just over a year ago, we didn't seem to have these problems. It was cold and dark, sure, but it seemed like it only rained a couple of times. I remember it being colder than a sled husky's nutsack, but rarely wet. It was kind of funny how Libbie and I started running during the worse possible months, however, it seems like they weren't so bad a year ago!
To be honest, the cold doesn't bother me. I can be in shorts and a t-shirt and be fine if its 32 degrees outside. Once I start running, my body produces a LOT of heat. I might be cold for the first quarter mile, but then I am just dandy. So the temperature really doesn't deter me at all. Anything above freezing is gravy.
The wetness is what gets me. Rain during the summer can be fun because it's not cold outside. However, cold plus wetness equals torture. I hate it. Plus, you add in wind (even just the "wind" of running) and its just miserable. So after I come home from a long day at work, if it is raining outside, even sprinkling, I have a hard time making myself go outside in the pitch dark. And frankly, that's fine with me. I want to run a lot, but I am not going to be someone who makes myself miserable to do it. That would make it more of a chore, and thus, lower enjoyment, and thus, more likely that I poop out on the whole idea.
Anyways, the last few weeks have made me think of a gym membership because I still need exercise. Where is the apartment workout room when you need it!?
You a baby... never! We should look into adding you to my membership for the winter.
ReplyDeleteGet your buns outside! With my gear I don't even know it's raining! I got a Nike drifit hat and the bill shields my face from raindrops. I've found if my face stays dry I don't really care if the rest of me is wet. I usually do ok wearing a long sleeve, thicker drifit shirt. Dan and I have been at the gym a ton lately now that we're into weight lifting. I wouldn't join one if you're just looking for a treadmill but if you like ellipticling (?) and weights I think it's totes worth it.
ReplyDeleteYeah if I did join it would be for the elliptical (my gateway machine) and the weights!