Thursday, December 19, 2013


Bad news: Brandon is a quitter.

Good news: I can go to run group!

I actually feel bad for Brandon. He had a little (read: biggest ever) meltdown yesterday when I tried to pick him up to go to basketball practice. He absolutely refused to go and after about fifteen minutes of campaigning by his mom and me nothing changed. I've never seen his resolve so high on anything. He just stared out the car window and refused to acknowledge us or answer our questions other than one or two word replies, haha.

Apparently he thought he would know people on his team (his team was all kids from different schools he didn't know) and the coach was a flake and never called us so he missed the first two weeks and just felt stupid. I know after a few practices he'd get to know the kids, even become friends with them, and have fun, but none of that seemed to matter.

Came a little out of nowhere because I took him to practice Monday and afterward he didn't seem to completely hate it. Was much more rational then, but I guess he was dreading this next practice all Tuesday and Wednesday and then had a complete mental shutdown. Whatever. I hated running around that indoor track anyways (did seven miles inside on Monday... not fun!).

Anyways, I missed run group last night and then didn't get outside to run after the whole Brandon thing because it was cold and rainy, so I have some catch up to do. I was almost temped to stop by the rec center and run inside again, but I figured I'd just force myself out there today and then see how I am feeling on Friday. I am planning sixteen on Saturday, so I want to make sure to rested for that.

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