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The few, the proud, the people at run group Wednesday who braved the monsoon. |
This week I've felt amazingly good after Bald Peak. I really expected to be sore and run down but honestly I felt great on Monday night but took it easy for my ankle. Anyways, yesterday, we get to group run and it's about 70 degrees and VERY humid outside. Very unusual for here. We keep hearing heavy showers are expected, but they've been expected all day and haven't really materialized.
We start the run and kind of hope the rain stays away for another hour. I remarked it was really dark outside for June at 6pm. Well, that's because there were giant, dark clouds and within minutes of starting the run the sky opens up and it begins to absolutely downpour. It rained TWO INCHES in the course of an hour, that hour just happening to be during our group run. After that hour it sprinkled at the most. So we timed it perfectly... not.
Long story short, we got absolutely drenched. Basically like we jumped into a swimming pool. Light streams of water across the path were small rivers by the time we came back on the out-and-back. It was crazy and 100% fun. It was warm enough where we weren't cold and it was just absolutely ridiculous to be outside in that. Rain like that hasn't happened in a long time and it was actually a lot of fun to run in!
I am ready for summer though. We had a couple good weeks of weather, now we just need to shake this and really get summer going.
Sorry about the ankle Thomas, take it easy for a few days and it'll get better. Also that's a crazy amount of water!!!