Saturday, July 30, 2005

Well, let's give the wisdom teeth report. It wasn't very bad at all. I went in at 8:00am, got the debriefing from the doc, then had the surgery.

He basically said I came in at a perfect time, my wisdom teeth were in great position and hadn't created roots yet. Once you hit 22-25 years old your wisdom teeth lay big roots like molars and surface. Most people don't have room and this cause a lot of pain. Also if you take them out at this stage, you're playing very close to a nerve and often times it's bruised during the procedure and then it feels like your face is asleep for a week or two while it heals.

I was worried about big holes where the teeth were, but since mine hadn't really surfaced yet, they stitched me up and there will be no holes. On older people, including my friend who isn't older, they just came faster, they have these holes back there that take a month or two to heal. So I won't be having those.

I then went to the operating room thing and got my first IV ever. It just felt like a little shot, then nothing, as I watched fluid flow into me. It was the sleepy stuff... I was waiting for it to take effect, noticing that I really didn't feel any effect from it. They then put this mask thing over my nose, I remember the nurse tying down my left arm, then it was all over.

Next thing I know I'm in the car crying my head off.

"I don't remember going into the car." I said, bursting into laughter.

Hahahahahahha, that was hailarious. Soo.... damn... sad. I burst into tears, only to realize how funny it was and started to laugh hyserically. I had no control over my body. That was kinda sad, so I cried. Then I burst into laughter at the absurdness of the situation.

I went back and forth between crying and laughing all the way home. Apparently, that is a common side effect coming out of the anethesia. I wasn't crying out of pain or anything, so don't worry.

In fact, I haven't really been in any pain yet. The fact I'm hopped up on Vicodin might be a cause of that. I can't eat very hard foods, that does tend to hurt, but I can eat mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, jello, and stuff that doesn't require much chewing.

Today I am very swollen and look like John McCain... take a look:

With Flash
Without Flash

Oh wow, I need to clean the mirror. So anyways, hopefully I will be less swollen tomorrow and back to normal by mid-week. It wasn't all I cracked it up to be, I was very alert and watching TV/reading all Friday after having the surgery. I've hear of people who were just pain knocked out and slept for two days. I think I just went in at the right time and got really lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I understand your pain!
    I just recently had a couple of teeth pulled.
    It really is not that bad.
    Just a few days rest and you are back to normal, except for the holes.
    Take care, Lena
