I arrived at 7:00, but one person in my group got there at 12:30.

We ended up being the third group in line for our theater so we got really good seats. The lobby was packed, as five seperate theaters would be playing it at 12:01am.

Giggity giggity alright.

There was a costume contest, complete with six stroomtroopers. A few people dressed up for our show, but not as many as I thought. Lots of people in Star Wars T-Shirts.
Now onto the movie...
Star Wars Episode III
Revenge of the Sith
Revenge of the Sith
Finally the movie starts after the previews. The 20th Century Fox logo comes up and everybody lets out a huge roar. Then the LucasFlim logo comes, and everybody lets out a huge roar. Then the "A long time ago..." comes up and everybody lets out a huge roar. Then the "Star Wars" logo comes up and everybody shits their pants. Then the scroll starts and everybody flips out once more. There was this kid next to me, couldn't have been more than 8 years old, who was seriously hyperventilating when the scroll started.
The scroll thing starts out with "War!" which I thought was interesting, since no other Star Wars movie scroll started with a one word sentence. Anywho, once that is done, the camera pans down to a huge battle in space between the Trade Federation (droids) and the Republic (clones). Obi-Wan and Anakin are in little X-Wing things on a mission to go to the control ship to save Palpatine (he was captured).
To me, this whole sequence (they get attacked by other fighters and little droid things that fuck up their ship) looked like a video game. Everything was too smooth and looked like it was made out of plastic rather than metal. Oh well.
So they get to the control ship and make their way to where Palpatine is being held. They have a surprising easy time getting there, but it's because a trap was set. One thing that really bugged me in this episode was R2D2. All of a sudden, the thing can jump out of his little driod hole in a ship and he looks like he's on speed or something. He moves about three times as fast as any other movie, prequel or original. With some of the moves he put on display he could play in the NBA.
So they get to Palpatine and then Dooku and two droid soldier things show up. Obi and Anakin take care of the driods and then start fighting Dooku. The Count owns Obi, he gets knocked out, but Anakin is able to beat Dooku. He decapitates him at Palpatine's command in the first of many head/limb chop scenes. You can tell even then Palpatine is manipulating Anakin and everything that is going down.
Then, back down to Coruscant, where Anakin and Padme hook up for some forbidden love. Padme tells Anakin that she's pregant, and Anakin seems happy. He doesn't really seem to care if people find out about them, even though it would mean being expelled from the Jedi. Anyways, a crappy love scene ensues, further proving George Lucas can't write such scenes with crap. It goes something like this.
"You're beautiful" -Anakin randomly
"I love you." -Padme
"OMFGROFLMAO I love you too" -Anakin
Anywho, things start getting foggy at this point because the pace really picks up and it was like 1:00am and I don't remember too well. Next, they go to Kashyyyk, the Wookie planet, where the driod armies are trying to take over. The clones are there fighting with the Wookies to protect it. On the planet is General Grevious, a driod that can fight with four light sabers at one time. One thing that's really strange is the mofo coughs... a driod coughing. Sounds like a forty year smoker or something. He's really creepy, all hunched over and evil looking. At first you're kinda like "wtf," but he becomes believable.
Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent there to kill the driod leader, Grevious. Obi and Anakin take him on, but this time it is Obi-Wan who steps up to the plate. The manner in which he dies is really lame. They start fighting, him with like four lightsabers, and its really crazy. How Obi-Wan is able to fend him off I don't know. Anyways they're fighting and just randomly two of his lightsaber hands are cut off. I really didn't see Obi-Wan do much to deserve that, but I guess it made things easier for the animators. Grevious pins Obi-Wan, but he manages to get a laser pistol and shoot Grevious. He just kinda stands there looking surprised and lets Obi-Wan shoot him. Kinda lame, like Darth Maul's death in Episode I.
Anakin starts having all these dreams about Padme dying during childbirth and he's really upset. Palpatine senses this and tells Anakin that the Dark Side of the force can be used to save people's lives. He could be powerful enough to save Padme, but never being just a Jedi. It is here we learn Palpatine is really Dath Sidious, and controlling the Senate. He's been plotting for this since Episode I and some 15 years later, hey, it's all going to plan.
Anyways Anakin debates whether to go to the Dark Side or not. The Jedi want him to spy on the Chancellor (Palpy) and he won't do it. The Emperor convinces Anakin that the Jedi are just trying to take control of the Senate and fear he might stop them from doing it. Anakin bites on this, along with the fact Padme can be saved.
This convincing process actually probably takes like an hour, but I don't remember much detail. Pretty soon Anakin is on the Dark Side and Palpatine orders all Jedis dead. All the clones, which the Emperor actually created and made sure they were programmed to know this certain order, turn on the Jedi and kill them. "Order 66" it is called (how ironic).
Anywho, so Anakin helps with the Jedi killing spree. In probably the most disturbing scene in a Star Wars film, he walks into a room in the Jedi Temple with a bunch of younglings (Jedis in training... like 6 years old).
"What is happening Master Skywalker?" -little kid says, scared at what is happening and thinking Anakin is here to save them.
Then Anakin turns his lightsaber on and all the kid's eyes open real wide. The scene then wipes to something else, but you are like "wtf". And later on, Yoda and Obi-Wan observe all the dead kids on the floor, and see a security tape where it shows Anakin slaughtering them. At this point I didn't even feel bad for him, he was totally consumed with evil.
Anyways, somewhere in here is a shot with Yoda crawling along a duct and it looks really friggin' fake. Especially when he pulls the lever.
Anyways, then the final scene comes up, Obi-Wan and Anakin duking it out on Mustafar, a lava planet. Obi-Wan gets the best of his former apprentice, chopping off both of his legs and his other arm. So, limbless Anakin is squirming near the lava and then his clothes catch on fire. And he burns. Obi-Wan leaves, distraught at everything. Pretty soon Palpatine rolls up and finds Anakin still alive. He is completely disfigured and burned, so they attach artifical legs and arms on him and put a mask on. Dun dun dun, Darth Vader. Oh, and he needs help breathing, thus the "iconic breathing" noise he makes.
And thus ends the movie. It was easily the best of the new series, but I'm going to have to see it again when I'm not tired as hell. There are some cheezy scenes, cheezy acting, but overall it is fun and a pretty good movie. At this point, my rating is:
After reading a few reviews, maybe I got my hopes up a little bit, but it was still pretty awesome. I would recommend it, but you have to know what's going on. Watch the first two movies or you will be helplessly lost. If you understand all the politics and relationships, and how Palpy has been playing them all this time... it just makes it that much better.
The scroll thing starts out with "War!" which I thought was interesting, since no other Star Wars movie scroll started with a one word sentence. Anywho, once that is done, the camera pans down to a huge battle in space between the Trade Federation (droids) and the Republic (clones). Obi-Wan and Anakin are in little X-Wing things on a mission to go to the control ship to save Palpatine (he was captured).
To me, this whole sequence (they get attacked by other fighters and little droid things that fuck up their ship) looked like a video game. Everything was too smooth and looked like it was made out of plastic rather than metal. Oh well.
So they get to the control ship and make their way to where Palpatine is being held. They have a surprising easy time getting there, but it's because a trap was set. One thing that really bugged me in this episode was R2D2. All of a sudden, the thing can jump out of his little driod hole in a ship and he looks like he's on speed or something. He moves about three times as fast as any other movie, prequel or original. With some of the moves he put on display he could play in the NBA.
So they get to Palpatine and then Dooku and two droid soldier things show up. Obi and Anakin take care of the driods and then start fighting Dooku. The Count owns Obi, he gets knocked out, but Anakin is able to beat Dooku. He decapitates him at Palpatine's command in the first of many head/limb chop scenes. You can tell even then Palpatine is manipulating Anakin and everything that is going down.
Then, back down to Coruscant, where Anakin and Padme hook up for some forbidden love. Padme tells Anakin that she's pregant, and Anakin seems happy. He doesn't really seem to care if people find out about them, even though it would mean being expelled from the Jedi. Anyways, a crappy love scene ensues, further proving George Lucas can't write such scenes with crap. It goes something like this.
"You're beautiful" -Anakin randomly
"I love you." -Padme
"OMFGROFLMAO I love you too" -Anakin
Anywho, things start getting foggy at this point because the pace really picks up and it was like 1:00am and I don't remember too well. Next, they go to Kashyyyk, the Wookie planet, where the driod armies are trying to take over. The clones are there fighting with the Wookies to protect it. On the planet is General Grevious, a driod that can fight with four light sabers at one time. One thing that's really strange is the mofo coughs... a driod coughing. Sounds like a forty year smoker or something. He's really creepy, all hunched over and evil looking. At first you're kinda like "wtf," but he becomes believable.
Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent there to kill the driod leader, Grevious. Obi and Anakin take him on, but this time it is Obi-Wan who steps up to the plate. The manner in which he dies is really lame. They start fighting, him with like four lightsabers, and its really crazy. How Obi-Wan is able to fend him off I don't know. Anyways they're fighting and just randomly two of his lightsaber hands are cut off. I really didn't see Obi-Wan do much to deserve that, but I guess it made things easier for the animators. Grevious pins Obi-Wan, but he manages to get a laser pistol and shoot Grevious. He just kinda stands there looking surprised and lets Obi-Wan shoot him. Kinda lame, like Darth Maul's death in Episode I.
Anakin starts having all these dreams about Padme dying during childbirth and he's really upset. Palpatine senses this and tells Anakin that the Dark Side of the force can be used to save people's lives. He could be powerful enough to save Padme, but never being just a Jedi. It is here we learn Palpatine is really Dath Sidious, and controlling the Senate. He's been plotting for this since Episode I and some 15 years later, hey, it's all going to plan.
Anyways Anakin debates whether to go to the Dark Side or not. The Jedi want him to spy on the Chancellor (Palpy) and he won't do it. The Emperor convinces Anakin that the Jedi are just trying to take control of the Senate and fear he might stop them from doing it. Anakin bites on this, along with the fact Padme can be saved.
This convincing process actually probably takes like an hour, but I don't remember much detail. Pretty soon Anakin is on the Dark Side and Palpatine orders all Jedis dead. All the clones, which the Emperor actually created and made sure they were programmed to know this certain order, turn on the Jedi and kill them. "Order 66" it is called (how ironic).
Anywho, so Anakin helps with the Jedi killing spree. In probably the most disturbing scene in a Star Wars film, he walks into a room in the Jedi Temple with a bunch of younglings (Jedis in training... like 6 years old).
"What is happening Master Skywalker?" -little kid says, scared at what is happening and thinking Anakin is here to save them.
Then Anakin turns his lightsaber on and all the kid's eyes open real wide. The scene then wipes to something else, but you are like "wtf". And later on, Yoda and Obi-Wan observe all the dead kids on the floor, and see a security tape where it shows Anakin slaughtering them. At this point I didn't even feel bad for him, he was totally consumed with evil.
Anyways, somewhere in here is a shot with Yoda crawling along a duct and it looks really friggin' fake. Especially when he pulls the lever.
Anyways, then the final scene comes up, Obi-Wan and Anakin duking it out on Mustafar, a lava planet. Obi-Wan gets the best of his former apprentice, chopping off both of his legs and his other arm. So, limbless Anakin is squirming near the lava and then his clothes catch on fire. And he burns. Obi-Wan leaves, distraught at everything. Pretty soon Palpatine rolls up and finds Anakin still alive. He is completely disfigured and burned, so they attach artifical legs and arms on him and put a mask on. Dun dun dun, Darth Vader. Oh, and he needs help breathing, thus the "iconic breathing" noise he makes.
And thus ends the movie. It was easily the best of the new series, but I'm going to have to see it again when I'm not tired as hell. There are some cheezy scenes, cheezy acting, but overall it is fun and a pretty good movie. At this point, my rating is:
After reading a few reviews, maybe I got my hopes up a little bit, but it was still pretty awesome. I would recommend it, but you have to know what's going on. Watch the first two movies or you will be helplessly lost. If you understand all the politics and relationships, and how Palpy has been playing them all this time... it just makes it that much better.
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