Wednesday, December 02, 2015


Good weigh in this morning. I had some "challenges" last week I had to deal with so coming up with a 1.6 pound loss is awesome! I was going to be thrilled with 168, so almost a half pound less was even better. I'm just over 2.5 pounds from goal and so ready to get this whole thing over.

Things that were challenging last week included a night out with friends Tuesday night. I was afraid this was going to jack up my Wednesday weigh in, but that turned out awesome (dehydrated from the alcohol?). Anyways, that was a higher calorie day. I was good on Wednesday but then Thursday was Thanksgiving and my total intake guess of 3,000 might have been a little low. That was probably best case. I then had Brandon on Friday, and while I didn't eat way too many calories, I ate shit.

Anyways, at one point I weighed in at 170.5 or so. I think that was Saturday. However, the half marathon seemed to shed all that Thanksgiving bloat and my weight has been steady and trending slightly downward since then. I guess I was good five out of the seven days, so that's why I still came out pretty well.

With a really good week I could be at goal next week. That would be awesome. However, I know not to expect it. I'm making it my goal to be done in two weeks. I know the nature of weight loss... I could be really good all week and then weigh in with a 1.0 pound loss next week. What I've been doing has been working great, so I'll keep at it and by the 16th I should be done!

Last Week: 169.2 lbs
This Week: 167.6 lbs
Weekly Loss: -1.6 lbs
Total Loss: -8.4 lbs
Pounds from Goal: 2.6 lbs

1 comment:

  1. The day after drinking always gives me a nice loss on the scale... but then the day after that, my weight goes up by a good three pounds or so! Anyway, great job on the weigh in this week!
