Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What big city marathon might be next for me? Read below to find out where this is from!
Right now is kind of a weird time for me because I achieved the goal I had set out for myself 18 months ago. Around March 2012 I decided to do the 2013 Portland Marathon, and now I have done it. What now?

Well, I'd like to do another marathon. I think they'll become a semi-regular thing for me. And by that I mean like two a year. Really depends on how my body holds up because they are demanding. I'd also like to continue doing other races though too, everything from 5Ks to half marathons. They all have their charm. I guess I can't really ever become super at any of them if I don't concentrate on just one distance, but I'm not an Olympic athlete so who cares.

In the upcoming winter months I'd like to concentrate a little bit on shorter races. My goal is to set a new 5K PR. I've signed up for a 5K on November 3rd and hopefully I can do it there. If not, I'll have the HoHo 5K in December again probably (although that is hilly). I'd also like to do a Turkey Trot, maybe I can find a 10k or something for that. Anyways, I'm not magically going to get faster, so in the upcoming weeks I'll have to concentrate on speed a little and maybe even start some interval type stuff.

It looks like my next marathon will be the BMO Vancouver Marathon in Vancouver, BC. Nothing is for sure yet, but Alejandro and I have been talking and that is one marathon he'd like to do. Since Eugene is no longer an option in the spring, I think I'll replace it with Vancouver. It's only a five hour drive from Portland, so we can drive up Saturday morning, do the expo, explore the city a little, spend the night, do the race, and then come back Sunday afternoon. Only one night needed in the hotel, so it shouldn't be too much money.

The plan is to rotate my weekend runs so stay in "near marathon shape." I think I'll do 12, 15, and 18 every three weeks. Meaning when it comes time to train for Vancouver (February-ish), I'll just need to throw in a couple 20 milers and make sure I'm getting enough weekday miles.

Anyways, that's the plan for now! Three weekday runs and the long run on the weekend is pretty engrained into my routine now, so I'll try and keep it that way to avoid a winter lull.


  1. Why is Eugene no longer an option?

  2. They moved it to the summer from April. Weird move. So basically as soon as I was done running it I'd be training for my fall marathon with no break.
